Before partnering with HyperSKU, Mateo was already an established 7-figure seller. He worked with a Chinese factory that supplied him with fashion clothing at the best prices on the market. While it felt good to talk directly with the manufacturer, Mateo found quite a few downsides:
The factory didn’t have a system, and could only fulfill orders using Excel files. Mateo had to hire several VAs to export orders, send them to the factory, and upload the tracking numbers. The process constantly caused manual errors and ended up with numerous delays and complaints.
What’s more, Mateo started to encounter size mismatch and out-of-stock issues on a daily basis. There was no clear after-sales policy, and Mateo felt the factory didn’t care about the details as much as he did as the business owner.
While the factory can save Mateo some money, it can’t truly make him profits. Mateo was feeling insecure about the business, as he couldn’t call it a reliable supply chain.
The Sales Consultant at HyperSKU convinced Mateo that the manual process wasn’t the right infrastructure to support his eCom empire. His dropshipping business was crying for more centralized, efficient, and transparent management.
HyperSKU accomplished several actions that quickly changed the game for Mateo. First, HyperSKU ran a thorough data analysis and came up with a list of long-tail products that were the culprit of most of the aftersales problems. The products were removed from the store immediately.
In the meantime, the sourcing team found him a better factory with an average of 15% cheaper quotations. HyperSKU also shared with Mateo a catalog from the new supplier, showcasing the most trending designs and a sufficient supply.
After a few weeks of transiting to HyperSKU, Mateo saw a significant improvement in his margin. Thanks to the reduced cost, faster shipping, and fewer refunds, Mateo saw his store become healthier and he was more confident to push advertising spending during the holiday season - leading to the best Q4 performance ever.
We can’t forget to talk about the automated system! In the past, order payments and Excel-based work were the most complicated and time-consuming parts of his process. Now, with HyperSKU, Mateo wraps orders in a few clicks - and everything is visible and clear in the online account.